Sea to Summit is an award-winning manufacturer of ingeniously designed, omni-terrain outdoor gear. Our product line ranges from ultralight cookware to the most versatile tent on the market. Our innovation team is constantly searching for the perfect balance of weight, durability and packability. This Australian brand is no stranger to some of the most remote places on the planet, and its products are field-tested in the world’s most demanding environments.
Roland Tyson started making outdoor gear on an old industrial sewing machine in his childhood bedroom in 1983, at the age of 17.
As a young outdoor enthusiast, Roland realized that he had a passion and a talent for creating cutting-edge outdoor equipment. Soon he was designing and manufacturing equipment for other Australian adventurers. After outfitting an unusual first ascent of Mt. Everest (a 700+ mile, 29,028 feet in elevation trek from sea level to a solo summit), Sea to Summit was born.
Roland’s drive to design the best, lightest and most durable equipment would take him farther into the remote Australian outback and eventually into the Himalayas. In these wild places, he could put his inventions to the ultimate test.
In 1993, Roland was joined by Penny Sanderson, who had spent six years at Australian Geographic. Her passion for exploration and innovation was a perfect fit for Sea to Summit. She and Roland began traveling several months out of each year; climbing, sailing, trekking, overlanding, biking and, everywhere they went, testing products and iterating design.
Sea to Summit quickly grew into a successful global brand, with Penny and Roland’s love of travel and design as the foundation. Together, they own and manage Sea to Summit, still taking part in every step of the journey from developing raw materials to putting perfected gear into the hands of customers worldwide.
Sea to Summit is a proudly Australian company: our headquarters are in Perth, Western Australia.
Perth is the most isolated major city in the world, and the rugged landscapes of Western Australia have helped to shape both our company ethos and the products we make.
Sea to Summit's North American headquarters are in Beautiful Boulder, Colorado. We look after sales and service throughout Canada and the US (when we're not out climbing, biking, skiing, backpacking or running).
Sea to Summit has a subsidiary in Germany, which services Central Europe, and a subsidiary in China.
We service other countries through distributors.
If you have questions about Sea to Summit products, please reach out to us - we will be happy to put you in touch with someone who will be able to assist you.
Sea to Summit is an Australian company headquartered in Perth, Western Australia. Our offices and warehouse in Broomfield, CO service the entire North American market.
As an Australian company, we began manufacturing products in Perth in 1991, but in the intervening years we have grown internationally, selling in over 50 countries worldwide.
Our products are made of materials which are sourced from all over the globe, including from US companies. Final assembly is in Vietnam, China and Taiwan.
Sea to Summit’s China office is as large as the North American operation and has a dedicated team that works full-time to ensure fair labor practices in all production plants and supplier factories.
We love transparency! Here is a list of authorized Sea to Summit websites: